When is a Hydrogeological Assessment required?
Groundwater is water that occurs in the subsurface, which can at times interact with surface water environments or be extracted for various uses (e.g. drinking or recreational activities). Contamination is commonly encountered where the land has been used for storage, handling and/or the disposal of chemicals and wastes, including landfills.
Land owners, developers, potential purchasers and regulators may require a Hydrogeological Assessment to identify the risk to human health and the environment and to ascertain potential remediation costs to aid decision making about the future use of the site.
Our clients may require this type of assessment as part of an EPA Clean Up Notice, a works or planning application, due diligence for land sale, or a related Contaminated Land Assessment.
How can Landserv help?
Landserv’s expert Environmental Scientists and Engineers may initially conduct desktop research to determine the site’s environmental setting, historical uses and/or proposed future site uses.
Our experts would then typically collect groundwater and sometimes surface water samples and conduct pumping tests for aquifer properties. Numerical and computer modelling may be used to assess the hydrogeological conditions. Ongoing monitoring activities can be conducted to measure changes in ground and surface water conditions over time or during construction works.
We seek to provide concise, easy to understand reports with cost effective recommendations that meet our clients’ reporting obligations to state and federal authorities.

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Environmental advice, site assessment, risk assessment and remediation services to support termination of a lease agreement. Landserv undertook an extensive investigation and remediation program at the decommissioned petrol station with the aim handing back the site to the land owner. Landserv conducted various site characterisation works to facilitate the lease hand back, including soil sampling [...]
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