When is risk assessment required for a site?
When assessing an extensive portfolio of potentially contaminated sites, a risk assessment approach can be applied at the initial stage to prioritise each site based on it’s potential risk to human health and the environment. The output of this risk assessment approach (i.e. mainly desktop reviews) is usually a risk matrix based on the sites’ sensitivity and their potential receptors.
When applied in the later stages of environmental site assessments, risk assessment can be used to qualitatively or quantitatively assess the risks of contamination to human health and the environment, in line with the national guidance such as NEPM.
The findings can provide information about the site suitability for use or development and if remediation or management is required. Risk assessment can also be used to develop clean-up criteria or Site-Specific Target Levels (SSTLs) for contaminated sites.
How can Landserv help?
Landserv’s team of scientists, engineers and hydrogeologists provides the full range of contaminated land management services, including specialist services such as environmental health risk assessment.
Our risk assessment services include:
- Risk-based ranking process and development of risk matrix
- Environmental and/or Ecological risk assessment
- Sustainable Environmental Management
- Sustainable Remediation Solutions
- Human health risk assessment
- Vapour intrusion and Landfill Gas Risk assessments
- Groundwater contamination and/or Leachate risk assessment
- Landfill operations risk assessment
- Closed landfill risk assessments taking into account leachate, groundwater, surface water and landfill gas

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Assisting Council to meet its duties under the Environment Protection Act by understanding potential risks to human health and the environment. Landserv was engaged to review and advise on the potential risk to human health and the environment associated with 1,550 Council owned and managed sites. The review’s objective was to assess for Potentially Contaminated [...]
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