Why is construction environmental management required?
Challenges presented by construction and development activities may include: changes in land use, surface water and groundwater impacts, geotechnical and structural issues, dust and noise emissions, sediments and erosion – all highlight the importance of holistic and dynamic environmental management.
How can Landserv help?
Landserv has extensive experience in developing Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) and Project Environmental Management Plans (PEMPs). These plans describe how impacts to the environment arising from the construction works will be managed to ensure that all environmental aspects for the design and construction phase of the project (or works) are addressed.
Our team seeks to apply sustainable environmental management solutions to our clients’ operations and construction projects. The appropriate management of these issues can eliminate the potential for significant adverse impacts, to project budgets and outcomes, the environment and human health.
Sustainability is a key consideration for Landserv as we develop our Environmental Management Plans for construction and remediation projects. The plans are developed within the framework of AS/NZS ISO 14001: Environmental management systems – Requirements and consider any contractual requirements for an Environmental Management System and an Integrated Management System.
Related services by Landserv include:
- Environment in Design
- Sustainable Assessments in Construction
- Monitoring Programs including performance auditing and retraining
- Training staff to understand environmental responsibilities and equipping them with the tools and skills to ensure environmental compliance
- Emergency Response EMP Implementation

Featured Project

Landserv completed two complex environmental site assessments with subsequent remediation to facilitate the development of two inner city schools. As of 2021, the Victorian Government’s historical program of new school building and upgrade projects, has invested some $10.9 billion to build new schools and deliver more than 1,700 school upgrades. Some of the inner urban [...]
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