Landserv has been involved in supporting the Dendy Street Brighton Beach Pavilion redevelopment, through the implementation of environmental assessments, management, remediation and ongoing monitoring of this $13 million upgrade which comprises:
- A new pavilion including public toilets, facilities for Brighton Life-Saving Club including a life-savers’ beach observation area and multi-purpose training space and a small cafe with level access from the car park
- Addressing unsightly storm water outfall
- Improve the car park, shared trail and beach access pathways.
- New lower and upper forecourt.
Landserv has been working alongside Lloyd Construction Group (appointed building contractor), EnviroPacific, Council and EPA to manage soil contamination during the remediation and construction phases of the project.
Landserv’s involvement in the project has included the initial soil and groundwater investigations, ongoing groundwater monitoring, addressing EPA Clean up Notices’ and excavation and remediation supervision. Landserv’s involvement, has significantly reduced potential risks to the Environment and Human Health through the implementation of a site specific and EPA Auditor Verified Clean-up Plan (CUP).