Landserv was recently engaged by a state government department to carry out Site Suitability Assessment for a number of sites in western Victoria. This was a multi-disciplined project which involved intensive reviews of the environmental, archaeological, topographical, geotechnical and soil characteristics of land parcels, in order to identify potential constraints or opportunities associated with future use for client-specific purposes. The objective of the SSA is to evaluate whether site characteristics such as soil quality, geotechnical characteristics, flora, fauna, and heritage considerations are likely to pose constraints for the client’s future use of the sites. In addition to these characteristics, the report outlines topography, physical services and planning considerations associated with the sites.
In depth, the Contamination Assessment component of the works evaluated the potential for soil contamination as a result of current and historical site activities. The Flora and Fauna Due Diligence Assessment component provided an understanding of biological values, legislative and government policy considerations associated with the sites. And the Cultural Heritage Assessment component provided an understanding of known and potential values at the sites and potential requirements associated with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and the Heritage Act 1995 associated with permits and management plans.
The project was completed on time and within budget as Landserv successfully assisted our client in their decision making process.
For all enquiries on our Site Suitability Assessment services, please contact Ryan Edwards at T: 03 96460833.