During April 2014, Environment Protection Authority (EPA) released a guideline (EPA publication number 1563) providing a framework of cost-effective waste disposal standards applicable to landfills exempt from licensing.
This report is the latest in a series of initiatives undertaken since 2009 that have been aimed at improving Victorias management of risks posed by landfills.
Occupiers of landfills are required to meet current regulatory requirements depending on the type of landfill site:
- Active landfills – A licence system is administered by the EPA, requiring licence holders to undertake risk assessments, environmental monitoring, environmental auditing and an annual review of compliance with licence conditions.
- Closed landfills – Once closed, owners of licensed landfill sites may be issued remedial notices to ensure that appropriate measures are implemented in the aftercare phase to manage any ongoing risks.
- Exempt landfills – The EPA can choose to issue notices requiring appropriate management of these landfills if deemed to pose an unacceptable risk to the environment or community.
Specifically for landfill exempt from licensing the EPA recommends that operators undertake an assessment of sites and prioritise upgrades based on risk. Landserv have has experienced consultants qualified to accurately assess the risk of landfill sites to the environment and develop a plan to implement improvements as required in order to comply with Waste Management Policy (WMP) and the Environment Protection Act (EP Act).
For all enquiries on our Landfill Management and Assessment services, please contact Nick Mara at T: 03 9646 0833.