Landserv was engaged by an energy company to remove and validate a large number of underground storage tanks (USTs) at a power station in Victoria.
Due to the high Health & Safety and Environmental concern at the site, Landserv worked closely with the clients OHS & Environmental team and Facilities Manager to develop a proposed methodology for the works. A Health, Safety and Environment Plan (HSEP) including a detailed Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) was prepared and approved by the client and WorkSafe Victoria prior to works starting.
The USTs removed included a range of sizes, from 5,000 L to well over 50,000 L. The plant that was used for the works included a 30 tonne excavator, trucks for the movement of soil, and a large mobile crane to assist with the removal of the USTs.
At the completion of works, a factual validation report was prepared which documented the earthworks conducted, the sampling program undertaken, and the areas where residual contamination remained due to access restrictions.
Even though the time allotted for the tank removal and backfilling works was limited due to the Christmas holiday, all tasks were completed on time and within budget.
For all enquiries on our Storage Tank Removal services, please contact Nick Mara at T: 03 96460833.